Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Baked Vegetable

This recipe is a favorite in my family. I considered it a feast when Mom made it and my husband loves it too. My sister Geetu reminded me of this old time favorite and thus I would like to share it with you to...


Make this sauce ahead of time and this will decrease the cooking time.

2 tbsp Butter (or ghee)
3 tbsps maida
1/4 gallon milk
Salt to taste
Pepper to Taste
Couple pinches of garlic powder add a lot of flavor.
Add a cup of fontina / mozzarella if you want it to be rich....

put Butter / Ghee in pan. Add maida, and roast it on low heat till it givesout a cooked aroma (do not let it become brown) . Gradually add lukewarm milk and stir continuously to avoid lumps.
let it boil on medium flame until it thickens. Add salt+pepper+chilli flakes , garlic powder to your taste. Set to cool.

Microwave frozen mix vegetable bag for 2 minutes. The vegetables should thaw but not completely cook
Put them in a flat vessel, add white sauce
Top with Tomato Slices and Grated Cheese of your choice.
Preheat oven to 450 and then cook it for 20min-25min

Enjoy with Toasted hot bread!!


GKJ said...

i never tried baked vegge with toast...i always had it as a side dish...good suggestion...

Meena said...

Hey Rady.. Awesome recipe girl. Sounds fabulous. Will definitely try it. I always have a bunch of veggies on hand..